Category: 2013 – 365 ChallengePage 2 of 37

Daily Challenges

Day Three Hundred and Fifty Six

Started on the base colour and re-did some of the flames. I did it in colour then turned it into back and white in order to make the…

Day Three Hundred and Fifty Five

Spent almost 3 hours to finish of the lines both the crowd and the background and put in the fire – just need to colour it now

Day Three Hundred and Fifty Four

Put in the van – not sure how to do the flames yet so have left it as a whole van. Also need to make some changes to…

Day Three Hundred and Fifty Three

40 mins work but I did finish populating the crowd

Day Three Hundred and Fifty Two

More people populating the crowd – I deleted the man on the far left’s legs at the end of the hour as they were crap and need re-doing!…

Day Three Hundred and Fifty One

An hour and all I managed was 2 background people! Though I did have to make adjustments and re-do bits

Day Three Hundred and Fifty

Inked in the foreground figure of Ian Bone for the magazine image – took a little over an hour and a half but I wanted the face to…

Three Hundred and Forty Nine

Finished the base image for the magazine

Day Three Hundred and Forty Eight

Started on the magazine article work that came through – first sketch foreground in place:

Day Three Hundred and Forty Seven

My heart wasn’t really in it today so I had to cheat more than normal as my attempts were terrible! Still the colouring was all me and is…