Category: 2022 – Monthly ChallengePage 1 of 2

Monthly Challenge – An animal a month

December 2022 – Art Challenge Squirrel and Robin

End of the year and I decided to go with a subject a little closer to home – a squirrel and robin, on the tree stump where we…

November 2022 – Art Challenge Giraffe

I did 2 giraffe’s! One on my Chromebook and the full fat challenge image on my main PC. Hopefully the difference in quality is noticeable!

October 2022 – 31 days of Drawtober

An image (or more) a day from the drawtober prompt list from @smalltownspells. All of these were posted daily on my Instagram @brokensky0, below is the full month…

September 2022 – Art Challenge Red Racer Snail

Finished a little early this month as I was able to do some during work hours! Red Racer Snail, cos their shells are pretty!

July 2022 – Art Challenge Parrot

Earlier in the month I decided I wanted to have a go with charcoal – and then I wanted to add colour. I am really happy with the…

June 2022 – Art Challenge Elephant

I am a bit late, I have just finished this this morning, despite starting early June. It’s been a bit of a hard month to grab time when…

May 2022 – Art Challenge Malaysian Tiger

May is over and so is my Malaysian Tiger.I finished this yesterday but threw a quick background together this morning. Cheating? Maybe, but the tiger was the challenge…

April 2022 – Art Challenge Baby Pine Marten

I rolled 3 ‘dice’ and then rolled from there to get my April piece and started on something… a couple of hours in I really didn’t like where…

March 2022 – Art Challenge Porpoise

Finished earlier in the month but had hoped to do another one – unfortunately the month ran away with me, but I did manage to decorate my office…

February 2022 – Art Challenge Owl

Finished this a while ago but forgot to upload it. I had intended to do more than this one piece but this took so long I didn’t really…