Category: 2021 – Monthly ChallengePage 1 of 3
If I could stay this again I would. I have 2 versions of the tea waves but I think starting afresh I would do theses better but I…
I am looking at this now and thinking the face is a little weird, but otherwise I’m happy enough!
Over summer I have seen so many beautiful blue dragonflies gliding over the river and visiting the garden so I wanted to capture this in my August image….
I am getting ready to move, at the start of October we didn’t know when but knew it could be soon so we wanted to spend time packing…
Septembers official challenge was to do life drawing, but I pretty much ticked that box in August Adipose, there was an unofficial BTTF art ‘challenge’ going around that…
There were 3 options for this month, I decided to strip it back and go with ‘August Adipose’ which was to draw people that are curvier and less…
This is Michael J Fox’s Teen Wold drawn as a cartoon. I was going for a Loony Tunes, Space Jam kinda feel. Not sure I hit the mark…
Ariel again, but done properly in Photoshop. I did so many versions and I still don’t like her face but I had to stop eventually!
Using fineliners on paper. Mainly to get a feel of the new pens and I wanted to do swirls!