Category: 2015 – Weekly ChallengePage 3 of 6

A challenge given and a week to complete …. generally

Week Twenty Nine, Day Two – Gods of Mythology – Loki

Eyebrows are place holders until I do the hair!

Week Twenty Nine, Day One – Gods of Mythology – Loki

Week Twenty Eight– Gods of Mythology – Loki

Week Twenty Seven – Gods of Mythology – Loki

New series of projects starting with Loki – Day one initial idea, done on the Note

Week Twenty Six – Drawing Exercises

Aafter some drawing exercises this week these are the besr images to show!  

Week Twenty Five – Portrait

Hair finished!

Week Twenty Four – Portrait

Week Twenty Three – Portrait

Had a busy work week so only got one day on it this week so i’ev basically  just made a start on the hair:  

Week Twenty Two – Portrait

Forgot to save out the 3 sperate images from the days I wouked on this, but I do have the 2 different jaws I ended up with after…

Week Twenty One – Day Two – Wild Witch

Finished! All on Note, may have been a good idea to do the  last polish in photoshop but I’m happy with this