Category: 2015 – Weekly ChallengePage 1 of 6

A challenge given and a week to complete …. generally

Week Forty Eight – Girl with Sword

5 min sketch I needed to get out of my system!

Week Forty Seven – Girl with Sword

Week Forty Six – Girl with Sword

Week Forty Five – Girl with Sword

Week Forty Four – Girl with Sword

Week Forty Three – Girl with Sword

Week Forty Two – Book Cover

Week Forty One – Girl with Sword

Back to the tablet and the girl with sword

Week 40 – Book Cover

Best parts of the early design stages for Guys book cover

Week Thirty Nine – Messing Around Beak

Got access back to Photoshop so did some messing around this week before returning to the current project – this is all that’s actually worth showing Bit manly…