After my July post I got really in to paint by Numbers. My brother bought me a dragon paint by numbers (which is still probably the best one I’ve done so far!) and I wanted more after that!

Things were a bit stressful for a while, I went on holiday for the first time in 10 years and dragged my brother along as my husband has been pretty ill. Then this got mega stressful at the end of the year.

November / December my cat was pretty ill, sneezing blood etc and the vet said it was just a respiratory infection, when it didn’t die down we took him to another vet who thought it was more and referred us to a veterinary hospital. Late December (between christmas and new year) and after a bunch of tests we found he had nasal lymphoma.

While this was going on, the day after boxing day my husband’s illness got worse to the point we took him A&E, 22 hours later he was admitted with pneumonia and heart failure, he was in hospital around 2 weeks and came home with covid (his first infection btw) which meant that for early January while having to look after him we also both had to be masked or in separate rooms.

Needless to say that was all way more stressful than they were before and I didn’t really want to do anything but I kept on with these paint by number being able to zone out and let the colour blocks take me, while also playing with a new medium was really beneficial to me. Below are all the ones I have completed between August 2024 and February 2025 in the order completed!

The Dragon that started it all

Then I wanted another Dragon!

Zoro from One Piece

And framed on my office wall after I added some of my own details to the ribbon as I wasn’t happy with the lack of contrast

This is something I did myself from one of my older digital art pieces during an inktober


Funky dreamscape


I’m currently working on another dragon piece which should be finished soon!