Earlier in the month I decided I wanted to have a go with charcoal – and then I wanted to add colour. I am really happy with the way this parrot came out I am also glad to have taken a picture of the charcoal before colour too as they are both pretty solid esp for a hand drawing.

My digital version was not as satisfying. The longer I worked on it the more I hated it and couldn’t figure out why it just wasn’t working. I refused to give in though, I don’t know why. Yesterday I decided it really was never going to work and with only 2 days of the month left I pivoted slightly. I inked the version I had, I tweaked it and changed bits and updated the colour etc. It’s the last day of July 10am and I have decided it’s enough and I’m done!

I am disappointed, I really thought parrots would be good, but I don’t think I managed to get in the right headspace for it so it never really happened. I really enjoyed the charcoal and chalk pastels though so I do feel like I achieved something from this month still.

I don’t know what August’s animal is yet but I’m hoping to find my groove again!

Charcoal Parrot

Charcoal and Coloured Chalk Parrot

Final Digital Parrot

Version before pivoting!