I am getting ready to move, at the start of October we didn’t know when but knew it could be soon so we wanted to spend time packing etc and I knew that trying to do Inktober would not be possible. So I thought I’d go a bit old school and do some comic book colouring.
I started with this Poison Ivy – I love Ivy and wanted to do a good picture. Once I got the base colours down the arthritis in my hand was too much to carry on so I took a week off, came back and decided I didn’t like the picture for colouring after all (I still love the pic itself though!) Credit to John Babos the original image can be found here

I then had a look around my old hard drive and found this Robyn Hood. I’m playing a ranger in Dungeons and Dragons atm (though she’s a tiefling) so the archery aspect called to me – great. Then my touch screen drawing monitor died. I am saving up for a new, bigger and better one, but it’s crazy expensive and I’m about to move so I can’t just replace it now …. and of course all my normal drawing materials are packed! Credit to devgear on devientart here

So here is what I completed this month – 4 cat collars (2 lost, 1 on the cat and 1 too small, pictured here) and 4 granny squares!
Now… we are moving in the 3rd week November so everything is still packed and broken and I still have so much to do to prepare so I have no clue how I will do November’s challenge (which was between ‘Newember’ – draw something you’ve never drawn before and ‘Huevember’ – draw a picture but only in one colour) but I will try and do SOMETHING!
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