Month: February 2021

Faebuary – Queen Mab. Day Four

Annnd done. I think some tweaking could fix some small issues. The hair might be a bit big and the crown a bit combersome but overall I’m happy

Faebuary – Queen Mab. Day Three

Re-worked a lot of it, still not happy with it though. One week left, hopefully I can pull it back!

Faebuary – Queen Mab. Day Two

I managed to get the detailing on the dress complete and I tried to do the face but after 4 hours of getting no where I deleted everything…

Faebuary – Queen Mab. Day One

Fae – who better to draw than the Queen of Air and Darkness herself? Basing this on Queen Mab from Dresden Files in Cold Days at Harry’s birthday…

Creatury – Gorgon

For 2021 I plan to do a monthly challenge – though I haven’t been updating each stage here January’s is now complete! The Prompt was ‘Creatury’ (mythical creatures)…