Ok so it’s been about 6 months since I have updated. This is for a number of reasons – it started out with my not being able to come up with a new project I felt passionately about enough to start, this evolved into laziness for a bit! Then I started a project but had a lot of trouble with Photoshop, though I was making progress it was often crashing and loosing work I hadn’t saved, this would then cause me to give up and leave. The other issue was this project is one that I want to work on without my Husband seeing before it is at least semi complete so I have to grab time when he is asleep or out!
Then I didn’t realise the hosting needed renewing and so the site was closed down for a couple of months.
I now have a new build computer – from the base up which runs like a dream, I only built this on Christmas day which was only a week ago. Even in that time I have made more progress on the project which being off work and able to grab more than an hour at a time helped.
I am therefore posting where I am at as of now and will try and make 2017 a bit less lacking. My aim is to work on things 1-3 times a week while Guy is at the pool, whether this is working on the big project of the time or something smaller on paper or my tablet. I might only post once a week even if I have worked for more than one day … I don’t know but I do know that I failed a hard during the later half of 2016 and I need to step it back up to be more like 2013-15.
So here is the current project – this has been a couple of months of chipping away, loosing bits, giving up, chipping away etc but I think it is coming along. This is a picture (or 3 merged together) from our wedding in December 2015, I had originally planned to have it done for the 1 year anniversary but as above the Photoshop issues and time constraints kinda messed that up!