Month: March 2014Page 2 of 3

Week Ten – White Material Arch – Day Two

So I did 45 mins and then lost half of it by fucking up my PC – this is what was saved

Week Ten – White Material Arch – Day One

Started getting the base colours in place

Week Nine – Pink Flower Arch – Day Five

Managed to go a little over half way with the arch, so copied and mirrored it and with a little work made a full arch! Half arch Full…

Week Nine – Pink Flower Arch – Day Four

Week Nine – Pink Flower Arch – Day Three

    Kind of slow going but getting there ….

Week Nine – Pink Flower Arch – Day Two

Week Nine – Pink Flower Arch – Day One

Doesnt look like much atm!

Week Eight – Wedding Couple – Day Three

Week Eight – Wedding Couple – Day Two

Week Eight – Wedding Couple – Day One

Moved onto the Groom – he looks a bit scary atm!