Month: November 2013Page 2 of 3

Day Three Hundred and Twenty Four

Spent an extra 5 mins in order to get the base colour in place – will most likely come back and finish this one Image Lines Colour

Day Three Hundred and Twenty Three

Finished 20 mins early today! Dunno how that happened! Image Lines Colour  

Day Three Hundred and Twenty Two

Didn’t do that well today, bad start to the week Image Lines Colour

Day Three and Twenty One

Finished the Jasmine picture but will come back to it next weekend to chance the background

Day Three Hundred and Twenty

This weekend I am finishing images from the hour challenges so they can go up on my Deviant Art page Day 298 Day 305

Day Three Hundred and Nineteen

Mostly done the base colour just started on the animal pattern when I ran out of time Image Lines Colour

Day Three Hundred and Eighteen

Didn’t finish the base colour again – but plenty of opportunity for trying new painting techniques here so will come back Image Lines Colour

Day Three Hundred and Seventeen

Didn’t even get time to finish the base colour which is pretty annoying, but there was a lot of detail to put in with the lines so at…

Day Three Hundred and Sixteen

I didn’t have time to do more with the background but am actually happy with how it came out that I don’t mind Image Lines Colour  

Day Three Hundred and Fifteen

I really like today’s image result Image Lines Colour and colour with the tatoo (which I didn’t like but I didn’t try very hard!)