Month: August 2013Page 3 of 4

Day Two Hundred and Twenty Three

Finished up the vines and base colour and the background highlighing complete – almost 3 hours worth today. Might need to brighten the greens up a bit though

Day Two Hundred and Twenty Two

less then 2 hours work – did a bit more work on the vines and finished off the lines and most of base colour

Day Two Hundred and Twenty One

So another Friday, another Friday challenge today was meant to be a big ginger bearded viking with a 2 handed hammer – didn’t get time to colour it…

Day Two Hundred and Twenty

Re-visited day 11, didn’t get to finish the colour sadly but I’m happy with what I did get time for Day 11 (January) Day 220 (Today) Lines Colour

Day Two Hundred and Nineteen

Today was re-doing day 9. Though I didn’t get time come close to the full colour Day 9 (January)                                                                                           Day 219 (Today) Lines Colour

Two hundred and Eighteen

Today re-doing day 8 – much much better! Side by Side Day 8 (January)                                                               …

Day Two Hundred and Seventeen

Revisiting pictures from earlier days – today re-doing Day 59. I didn’t get time to really touch much on the colour today but I did at least get…

Day Two Hundred and Sixteen

Base colour finished, new vines put in so the base cololur didnt get updated but should only take ten mins

Day One Hundred and Fifteen

Inked in and made some changes to the Elistan image – less then 2 hours work probably close to an hour and a half. Need to get the…

Day Two Hundread and Forteen

Friday challenge – Jo from the Walker papers. I didn’t get time to do the colour and would make a few changes should I do this again Lines…