Month: August 2013Page 1 of 4

Day Two Hundred and Forty Three

More on the book background – kinda slow work today after I spent an hour lost in downloading brushes for photoshop, just in case they would one day…

Day Two Hundred and Forty Two

Friday challenge was to do a grown man in a business suit throwing a childish tantrum. Didn’t get to finish the colouring but still I think it was…

Day Two Hundred and Forty One

Today I had to take the image and make her look angry. I also removed the  hand as I couldnt think what else to do with it and…

Day Two Hundred and Forty

Today I was asked by one of my bosses to do a logo for something for him. Due to not having Illustrator or a tablet at work I…

Day Two Hundred and Thirty Nine

Today I  had to take the original image and make her look worried – I didn’t get time to finish the colouring but I do think she looks…

Day One Hundred and Thirty Eight

Bank Holiday Monday so a bit more work on the book covers back ground – basically just mapped out the vanishing points of the walls etc. I also…

Day One Hundred and Thirty Seven

Went back to As the Crow Flys book cover – changed Maud’s face and started on the background I also made a minor change to yesterdays image

Day Two Hundred and Thirty Six

Finished yesterdays picture off with a total of around 6 hours work!

Day Two Hundred and Thirty Five

Today I have to draw the space ship Andomeda with her avatar Rommy on the right slightly transparent. I didn’t get to finish the colour as I ran…

Two Hundred and Thirty Four

Today I had to take the original image and place the head with Tubs’ and the sword with a dildo sword from Saints Row Original Image Lines Colour