Month: July 2013Page 3 of 4

Day One Hundred and Ninety Two

Not the best one this week  – his face is too square for a start, but still some nice elements Image Lines Colour

Day One Hundred and Ninty One

Not as bad as I thought as going through – some sizing is off and I did cheat with the hands Image Sketch Colour

Day One Hundred and Ninty

Pretty pleased with this even if the skin colour is a little bland – I was going back to it when I ran out of time Image Sketch…

Day One Hundred and Eighty Nine

Back to normal this week and a good start I think: Image Sketch Colour

One Hundered and Eighty Eight

Inked and coloured the Budda’s! Laughing Budda Imp Tradional Budda Imp Traditional Budda Imp – with Grin

Day One Hundred and Eighty Seven

Today I refined, inked and coloured Buddy Imp

One Hundred and Eighty Six

Today another flirty imp Sketch Ink

Day One Hundred and Eight Five

Better then yesterdays – today is a coy look Sketch Ink Colour

Day One Hundred and Eighty Four

So today I tried to do the DX suck it pose I also tried to do a pelvic thrust but didn’t like it so didn’t waste time pursuing…

Day One Hundred and Eighty Three

Budda pose for the Imp today – couldn’t decide whether to go Laughing Budda or more Traditional so I did both Reference Images Sketch Ink Colour