Month: July 2013Page 1 of 4

Day Two Hundred and Two

Image Lines Colour  

Day One Hundred and Eleven

Finished 10 mins early Image Lines Colour

Day Two Hundred and Ten

Didn’t finish the colouring phase but I really like the jeans and think it’s quite good for such an odd pose Image Lines Colour

Day Two Hundred and Nine

Base sketch for my new weekend project finished – only 2 hours work and needs a couple of tweaks

Day Two Hundred and Eight

A few bits today – finished the book cover foreground and finished colouring some of the hour challenge images for my Deviant Art page Book Cover Day 199…

Day Two Hundred and Seven

Friday Challenge – A higher detail picture of Count Elistan. Didn’t get to finish the colour but definitely the best Friday challenge thus far Lines Colour

Day Two Hundred and Six

Again I didn’t get time to finish the colour only getting the base colour in place Image Lines Colour

Day Two Hundred and Five

Pleased with today’s though I didn’t get to do more then just lay out the base colour Image Lines Colour

Day Two Hundred and Four

I like this pose!  though not perfect I’m happy with the result though I can’t decide if I like the finished piece with lighter or darker lines Image…

Day Two Hundred and Three

I’m really pleased with the drawing but didn’t quite manage to pull of colouring the water, Could have been a time issue could have been laziness , could…