Month: May 2013Page 3 of 4

Day One Hundred and Thirty One

Today I just worked on a border for the Bran and Arta image. It went through a few different designs but this is the (current?) final image

Day One Hundred and Thirty

I’m really happy with todays picture .. that is all Image Sketch (yes thats all I managed but it was worth it)

Day One Hundred and Twenty Nine

Today Illityia – I think this came out pretty well considering  how square her jaw is, I was worried she’d end up looking like a man in drag…

Day One Hundred and Twenty Eight

Quite pleased – I didn’t ink but did have a crack at colouring, just another 10 mins or so would have let me finish that to some state…

Day One Hundred and Twenty Seven

We’re on Strong Roman Women week …. or something Image Sketch One Sketch Two (a bit of tidy up and shifting of body parts around!) Ink (final tweaks…

Day One Hundred and Twenty Six

A third of the way through now. Today I finished the Bran and Arta sketch – just a couple of little things I want to come back to,…

Day One Hundred and Twenty Five

Finished the base drawing of Arta, figure I’ll colour it at the same time as Bran. Hopefully I can get a decent amount of Bran done tomorrow so…

Day One Hundred and Twenty Four

Started using some of images from the week as base art for some images for Guy’s novella here is the beginning of Bran and Arta – so far…

Day One Hundred and Twenty Three

I’m pleased with todays – I’m looking forward to concept art bank holiday weekend! Image Sketch Ink

One Hundred and Twenty Two

Quite plaesed -didn’t get to finish the ink/detailed sketch though Image Sketch Ink Ink with the sketch in place of the bit unfinished