Month: May 2013Page 1 of 4

Day One Hundred and Fifty One

Again I’m happy I think it’s been a good week. Once I had finished and saved the jpeg images out I wanted to try something with the hair…

Day One Hundred and Fifty

Quite happy with this – I did 2 sketches as I didn’t like the first one so re-positioned the features till I had something more like the image…

Day One Hundred and Forty Nine

I’m pleased but didn’t get to finish the colour still I think I managed to come close to capturing her beautiful eyes if nothing else! Image Sketch Ink…

Day One Hundred and Forty Eight

Faces week again, think I kicked it off well Image loose Sketch Ink Colour

Day One Hundred and Forty Seven

More on the colouring for the book cover –  think it’s coming on well but have made the coppery bits far too shiny so I need to sort…

Day One Hundred and Forty Six

So today I spent about 7 hours on the symbol and base colour for the front cover of the short story Almost there with the symbol – perhaps…

One Hundred and Forty Five

Ok so I didn’t spend very long working today but it was close to 2 hours perhaps a little over 2. I worked on the Symbol again and…

Day One Hundred and Forty Four

So I spent a lot of time on the colour playing with the brush I made last week for tree as well as getting in some photoshop rendering,…

One Hundred and Forty and Three

Much better than yesterday! I finished the sketch and knew I wouldn’t have time for inking so put in the colour instead, I almost think the raw sketch…

Day One Hundred and Forty Two

Todays is not as good as the rest of the weeks has been and I didn’t even finish the inking let alone the shading so it’s a bit…