Month: February 2013Page 3 of 3

Day Thirty Nine

An interesting subject Im quite pleased with this but as always time is such an issue! Image Sketch Lines turned Black (Didn’t have time to refine and Ink!)…

Day Thirty Eight

I like this – I could make a fair few changes that would make her look more like the original image, however it’s the first time I have…

Day Thirty Seven

Pretty pleased – not much to really say on todays! Image Sketch Ink Colour  

Day Thirty Six

Ignore the face (as I spent bugger all on it this is a bodies week not faces!) I’m pleased with this, I can see so much that I…

Day Thirty Five

This weeks theme is bodies. I’m pretty pleased with today’s though the face isn’t great I sacrificed time on it to get the body right and I think…

Day Thirty Four

Removed and re-did the foreground and her hair, now it’s ready for inking next week

Day Thirty Three

So we’re on another weekend so a new project needs to be started! I spent around 6 hours maybe 5 in total taking out breaks – this is…

Day Thirty Two

Day 32 – Feb 1st So … I managed not to age this baby but I also managed not to get his head quite right, at least he…