Month: January 2013Page 2 of 4

Day Twenty One

Day 21. Almost forgot to do it today! This weeks theme: Animals! Today: Peacock Image Stage 1 – Sketch Stage 2 – Inking Stage 3 – Colour  

Day Twenty

Day 20. Almost done – just a bit to do in the background and some fine tuning left!

Day Nineteen

Day 19. Another weekend, another chance to work on my Drow rampage project. About 5 hours maybe today most likely less. Here is where I am now:

Day Eighteen

Day 18. Image Stage 1 – Sketch Stage 2 – Refined and Converted Colour Stage 3 – Colour

Day Seventeen

Day 17. Ok there are lots of things wrong with today’s.  I hate drawing children I can never make them look like children. This one almost looks like…

Day Sixteen

Day 16. I’m really happy with this Image Stage 1 – Sketch Stage 2 – Inking Stage 3 – Colour

Day Fifteen

Day 15. I’m happy with this though I think his nose is too straight making his mouth slightly off too, other wise I think it was a good…

Day Fourteen

Day 14. Yea positioning of features still seems to be an issue for me – still I quite like this Image Stage 1 – Sketch Stage 2 –…

Day Thirteen

Day 13. Today I finished tweaking the inking, sketched and inked the background lines and put in the base colour for the Heroes/foreground.I spent around 6 hours or…

Day Twelve

Day 12. Another weekend and more time to spend on my ongoing project. This was somewhere around 4-5 hours of work, I refined the line art for the…